e start, as is proper, by defining the subject matter.
What is immortality? How can we define it in a sci-
entifically sensible manner? Is immortality even biologically
possible? These and other questions will be addressed in Bio-
logical Immortality by Michael R. Rose, Professor of evo-
lutionary biology at the University of California, Irvine and
author of Evolutionary Biology of Aging, a book that created a
complete departure from the views that had dominated the
field of aging research since the 1960s. We will learn that far
from being a scientific impossibility, there are now good rea-
sons for thinking that biological immortality is fundamentally
If aging can, in theory, be conquered how would, how
should we go about it? Aubrey de Grey, an authority in the
field of anti-aging theory from Cambridge University, out-
lines a general strategy for proceeding with The War on
Aging. In his essay, Aubrey de Grey touches on numerous
issues, both scientific and societal, that will be taken up later
in the book.
After these introductions, we move to consider individual
aspects of this strategy. Firstly, on the biomedical side, microbi-
ologist João Pedro de Magalhães provides a summary overview
of how The Dream of Elixir Vitae might be realized.
One of the most topical and promising approaches to
extending healthy life span is stem cell tissue engineering.